Date: November 2013
Location: Kabala Government Hospital, Kabala, Sierra Leone
Team Size: 14
Length of Mission: 13 days
Number of Surgeries Performed: 70
This is the 2nd ISHI “repeat” Mission. The first mission was proposed in the summer of 2011 by Marina Dianne Goldman R.N. who had worked there as a volunteer in Sierra Leone with Peace Corps in the 80’s. The first ISHI missions to Kabala in 2011 was a big success. A return mission in 2012 was also very productive thanks to the help of many individuals including: Dr Dumbuya, Mr Peacemaker (local CHO from the NarSarah Clinic), and Mr. Peter Conte, Koinadugu District Chairman.
A 3rd mission was suggested to Kabala Distric Hospital (KDH) given the high need the ISHI team encountered in 2012.Mr. Peter Conte, Past District Chairman and now minister of culture and Tourism, agreed . He was contacted in August 2013 to confirm the dates and reserve his residency. He later welcomed the 3rd mission by email and informed the Kabala District Hospital. Mr Peacemaker announced the mission on the Kabala radio. The hospital triaged over 200 patients and made up a typed list for the ISHI team. Peacemaker helped as well.
5 formal lectures Topics: Hernias, Typhoid, Ultra-Sound, post-op complications, Suturing skills.
Bed side teaching every day in OR, at the bedside and on the ward (local CRNA and nurses)
Bed side training of local nurses on: pre-operative preparation (IV, Abx..)
Bed side training of local nurse on: post op recovery (Vital signs, report ..)
Teaching US to the local Doctor and CHOs
Teaching of local medical student (Samba) who joined from Freetown for 3 days.
Data collection and Research endeavor:
Data collected on the impact of Hernia/ Hydrocele was performed on 40 new patients.
Data collected on Maternity ward over 1 year in Kabala District Hospital.
Data collected on all operations and complications following surgery in 2013 .
Formal signed letter from Kabala Hospital giving permission for ISHI to collect Data.
Triage of new surgical patients: 80 patients.
Performed 70 operations (70 major, 0 emergency and 1 pediatric case ).
Follow-up clinics for patients who had surgery by ISHI team: Very few showed up.
80 medical consultations.
88 US performed ( surgery, medicine and OB).
Assisted local Doctor with 2 C-Sections (Zina).
Delivered medication, supplies & equipment donated to Kabala District Hospital.
Delivered medication & equipment to Nixon Memorial Hospital via TAIA.
Collaborated with 28 local staff who were assigned to help the ISHI Team during the mission.
Surgery Team: D. Anjaria MD, A Rosenberg MD, J Song* MD , L Bible* MD, Z. Sifri MD. (* Surgical Residents).
Anesthesia: John Dellamanna CRNA, Malik Jalloh CRNA.
PAR Nurses: Stephanie Burroughs RN, Emilia Wawszczyk RN.
OR Nurses/ Sterilization Specialist: Palmira Moyet
Post-op ISHI Ward Care: Marina Dianne Goldman NP.
Medical Team: Zina Semenovskaya MD.
Logistics Support: Charlie Khoury (CK) and Jean-Philippe Noel